Important Update about Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

10 Марта 2020, 11:32 | # 86616

Dear Agent Partner VikiTravel.Ru, WikiVisa.Ru, BritishSouvenirs.Ru, VikiVisa.Ru, EducationAdvisor.Ru, Sovet-Veterinarov.Ru, MoscowAdvisor.Com,

As the situation with COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, I wish to provide some updates on how Alpadia Language Schools continues to address the spreading virus and to prioritize the health, safety and wellbeing of our students.

Travel restrictions
We continue to welcome students from around the world each week in our schools. As we have shared in previous updates, we are committed to providing a safe environment for everyone who is studying with us. 

We continue to follow the directives of the national authorities of each country in which we have schools.  If you would like to know more about the official policies in all of our destinations, you can find links to the latest government advice here:


Please be advised that in addition to the directives of each country, we will be implementing the additional measure of no longer accepting students travelling from certain high-risk regions, or who have been in contact with people from those locations.  The specific locations are:

  • Wuhan city and Hubei Province, China
  • Iran
  • Daegu and Cheongdo, Korea
  • Italian towns under containment measures

We would also ask that all agent partners support the above by confirming that prospective students have not visited or come into contact with people from these areas.

Keeping our students safe
In order to provide a healthy learning environment, we have increased the cleaning schedules in all our schools.  We are cleaning and disinfecting all common areas daily, such as classrooms, washrooms, common rooms and computer labs.  We are also verifying that all our students are well, on first arrival at the school and then on a daily basis, and briefing them on the steps they need to take to protect themselves and others from infection. 

Our schools are in countries with advanced health care systems and public health plans. In addition, be assured that in the event that one of our students became ill, we will deploy a robust procedure to ensure that she/he is fully supported by our staff and helped to obtain the appropriate medical care. 
Introducing our Book with Confidence Guarantee
We understand that some students might be taking a second look at their travel plans right now.  We want to provide flexibility so that they are confident to go ahead with making their plans, secure in the knowledge that they can adjust their arrangements as needed.  To this end we are introducing our Book with Confidence Guarantee

Any course booked with Alpadia between now and 30 April 2020 can be rescheduled at no additional cost to any date in the next 12 months.

This provides your students the maximum flexibility to enjoy the great experience of language travel at their convenience. This offer applies to future as well as current student bookings.

COVID-19 Cancellation Policy
We would, of course, encourage students to take advantage of our Book with Confidence Guarantee and to postpone their courses rather than to cancel them. However, Alpadia Language Schools will waive all cancellation fees and provide full refund in the following cases:

  • Students are unable to travel due to government-imposed travel restrictions.
  • Students develop symptoms of COVID-19 and are unable to travel and study.
  • Students experience COVID-19 related flight cancellations which cannot be rebooked to their original destinations.

We will continue to keep you informed as the situation develops.  

Kind Regards,
Ugo Toselli,
General Manager


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Alpadia account manager.




Alpadia Language Schools  
Grand-Rue 42, CP 1206, CH-1820 Montreux
[email protected]  |
Copyright © 2020 Alpadia Language Schools – All rights reserved.
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Dear Agent Partner,

As the situation with COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, I wish to provide some updates on how Alpadia Language Schools continues to address the spreading virus and to prioritize the health, safety and wellbeing of our students.

Travel restrictions
We continue to welcome students from around the world each week in our schools. As we have shared in previous updates, we are committed to providing a safe environment for everyone who is studying with us. 

We continue to follow the directives of the national authorities of each country in which we have schools.  If you would like to know more about the official policies in all of our destinations, you can find links to the latest government advice here:


Please be advised that in addition to the directives of each country, we will be implementing the additional measure of no longer accepting students travelling from certain high-risk regions, or who have been in contact with people from those locations.  The specific locations are:

  • Wuhan city and Hubei Province, China
  • Iran
  • Daegu and Cheongdo, Korea
  • Italian towns under containment measures

We would also ask that all agent partners support the above by confirming that prospective students have not visited or come into contact with people from these areas.

Keeping our students safe
In order to provide a healthy learning environment, we have increased the cleaning schedules in all our schools.  We are cleaning and disinfecting all common areas daily, such as classrooms, washrooms, common rooms and computer labs.  We are also verifying that all our students are well, on first arrival at the school and then on a daily basis, and briefing them on the steps they need to take to protect themselves and others from infection. 

Our schools are in countries with advanced health care systems and public health plans. In addition, be assured that in the event that one of our students became ill, we will deploy a robust procedure to ensure that she/he is fully supported by our staff and helped to obtain the appropriate medical care. 
Introducing our Book with Confidence Guarantee
We understand that some students might be taking a second look at their travel plans right now.  We want to provide flexibility so that they are confident to go ahead with making their plans, secure in the knowledge that they can adjust their arrangements as needed.  To this end we are introducing our Book with Confidence Guarantee

Any course booked with Alpadia between now and 30 April 2020 can be rescheduled at no additional cost to any date in the next 12 months.

This provides your students the maximum flexibility to enjoy the great experience of language travel at their convenience. This offer applies to future as well as current student bookings.

COVID-19 Cancellation Policy
We would, of course, encourage students to take advantage of our Book with Confidence Guarantee and to postpone their courses rather than to cancel them. However, Alpadia Language Schools will waive all cancellation fees and provide full refund in the following cases:

  • Students are unable to travel due to government-imposed travel restrictions.
  • Students develop symptoms of COVID-19 and are unable to travel and study.
  • Students experience COVID-19 related flight cancellations which cannot be rebooked to their original destinations.

We will continue to keep you informed as the situation develops.  

Kind Regards,
Ugo Toselli,
General Manager


As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Alpadia account manager.




Alpadia Language Schools  
Grand-Rue 42, CP 1206, CH-1820 Montreux
[email protected]  |
Alpadia Language Schools 



г. Moscow

20 Октября 2021, 16:19 | # 94923

Великобритания сделает большой шаг к термоядерному электричеству

Правительство Великобритании выделяет 220 миллионов фунтов стерлингов на концептуальный проект термоядерной электростанции - сферического токамака для производства энергии (STEP).

Иллюстрация концепции электростанции сферического токамака

Иллюстрация концепции электростанции сферического токамака

Государственный секретарь по делам бизнеса, энергетики и промышленной стратегии достопочтенный Андреа Лидсом, член парламента, объявила о пакете финансирования во время визита в штаб-квартиру Калхэмского научного центра Управления по атомной энергии Великобритании в Оксфордшире - ведущей в мире лаборатории исследований термоядерного синтеза.

Fusion предлагает практически безграничный источник более чистого электричества, копируя процессы, которые приводят в действие Солнце - столкновение атомов водорода с высвобождением большого количества энергии. Исследователи по всему миру сейчас разрабатывают термоядерные реакторы, которые могут превратить их в коммерческую технологию, чтобы удовлетворить постоянно растущий мировой спрос на энергию.

STEP будет инновационным планом для коммерчески жизнеспособной термоядерной электростанции, предлагая реалистичную перспективу строительства силовой установки к 2040 году. Инвестиции позволят инженерам и ученым разработать концептуальный проект реактора (известного как «токамак»), который будет генерировать термоядерную энергию и преобразовывать ее в электричество. UKAEA и партнеры из промышленности и научных кругов объединят свой опыт, чтобы завершить проектирование к 2024 году.

Программа STEP создаст 300 рабочих мест напрямую, и еще больше будет создано в цепочке поставок термоядерного синтеза в Великобритании. Кроме того, ожидается, что результаты проектной работы будут огромными - как с точки зрения синергии с другими видами деятельности по проектированию термоядерных силовых установок (такими как европейский прототип электростанции «DEMO»), так и с другими высокотехнологичными отраслями промышленности.

STEP опирается на опыт UKAEA в разработке так называемых «сферических токамаков» - компактных и эффективных термоядерных устройств, которые могут предложить экономичный путь к коммерческой термоядерной энергии. Новый экспериментальный сферический токамак MAST Upgrade должен начать работу в Калхэме в начале 2020 года. Его работа будет играть ключевую роль в разработке STEP.

Андреа Лидсом, государственный секретарь по вопросам бизнеса, энергетики и промышленной стратегии, сказала: «Это смелые и амбициозные инвестиции в энергетические технологии будущего. Fusion может стать неограниченным чистым, безопасным и безуглеродным источником энергии, и мы хотим, чтобы первая коммерчески жизнеспособная машина была в Великобритании.

«Эти долгосрочные инвестиции будут основываться на научном лидерстве Великобритании и будут способствовать достижениям в области материаловедения, физики плазмы и робототехники для поддержки новых высокотехнологичных рабочих мест и экспорта».

Профессор Ян Чапман, генеральный директор Управления по атомной энергии Великобритании, добавил: «Великобритания гордится своим наследием новаторских разработок в области исследований термоядерного синтеза. Это объявление демонстрирует стремление правительства Великобритании воплотить это лидерство в области НИОКР в работающий термоядерный реактор. Мы рады работать с нашими партнерами, чтобы сделать следующий шаг к будущему, основанному на термоядерном синтезе ».

Если ваша компания или исследовательская организация заинтересована в участии в STEP, дополнительная информация о проекте находится здесь:

График плана закупок STEP доступен здесь:

Контакт: Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с Ником Холлоуэем, менеджером по СМИ UKAEA, по телефону 01235 466232 или [email protected].

Опубликовано 3 октября 2019 г.
Последнее обновление 20 октября 2021 г. 
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