Update from UP Education and New Zealand [email protected]
Великобритания проводит 26-ю Конференцию сторон ООН по изменению климата (COP26) в Шотландском кампусе (SEC) в Глазго с 31 октября по 12 ноября 2021 года.
Посол Великобритании в Гондурасе Ник Уиттингем поздравил гондурасскую делегацию, участвовавшую в COP26, и призвал их добиться успешного результата.
Посол Уиттингем сказал:
Самая важная конференция в нашей жизни проходит в Великобритании. Это конференция, которая, вероятно, определит, какой мир мы передадим будущим поколениям.
Успех обеспечит процветание нашим детям и внукам. Неудача может обернуться катастрофой для жизни, какой мы ее знаем. Конференция Организации Объединенных Наций по климату, сокращенно известная как COP-26, представляет собой одну из последних возможностей, которая предоставит странам возможность собраться вместе и решить величайшую проблему человечества - проблему его выживания.
Шесть лет назад мир стал свидетелем рождения Парижского соглашения, которое стало важной вехой в глобальных усилиях по борьбе с изменением климата. Результатом стало обязывающее соглашение, объединяющее все народы для общего дела.
Но это было только начало. И вчера мир начал собираться в великом городе Глазго для проведения COP26, следующего и очень важного шага на пути предотвращения необратимых и катастрофических изменений климата.
Экстремальную погоду можно увидеть по всему миру. Этим летом мы видели разрушительные наводнения в Центральной Европе и Китае, бушующие лесные пожары в Северной Америке. Год назад Гондурас пострадал от двух сильных ураганов, нанесших значительный экономический и человеческий ущерб.
Гондурас, как уязвимая страна, имеет очень важный голос, и его пример может побудить других предпринять важные шаги. Многие уязвимые к климату страны лидируют в сокращении выбросов.
Я поздравляю Гондурас с представлением в начале этого года обновленного NDC. До 2030 года Гондурас привержен осуществлению действий по адаптации и смягчению последствий изменения климата. Страна будет стремиться сократить выбросы парниковых газов на 16%, восстановить 1,3 миллиона гектаров лесов и сократить потребление дров на 39%.
Поэтому я поздравляю гондурасскую делегацию во главе с президентом Хуаном Орландо Эрнандесом, которая находится в Глазго, чтобы объединить усилия по всем этим вопросам. Гондурас продемонстрировал важное лидерство в борьбе с изменением климата, и я призываю страну конструктивно работать с партнерами для достижения успеха COP26.
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Good aftenoon from New Zealand
Since we last communicated, we are fortunate in New Zealand that we have moved from our Level 4 Lockdown to Level 3. This means there has been some relaxation of the lockdown requirements but for most people we equate the change as Level 4 with the ability to obtain contactless fast food from local restaurants, McDonalds, KFC and more. On the 1th May the NZ Government will announce if we are to move to Level 2 which means all schools can resume and most people can return to work.
During the period of the lockdown, here at UP Education we have been fortunate in being able to deliver to most of our students Online. Many of you will have experienced the same challenges that my wife has found with Online delivery. It may sound simple but there is more preparation time and more challenges to face with delivery. Like missing student eye contact, assuming all students have stayed Online for the lesson and a growth in direct email contact between student and teacher. My wife has enjoyed the challenge.
New Zealand has not experienced the same degree of pain to Covid-19 as other countries. We shut our borders to non-residents very early and we were one of the first countries to stop cruise ships visiting our ports. THe international airlines, including our own Air New Zealand are signiifcantly impacted. We are fortunate to have had few Covid related deaths (less than 20, per head of population one of the lowest death rates) and while our hospitals prepared for large numbers of people being admitted for care, this has not occured. In reality on any day we have had less than 20 people in hospital and of those even less have been admitted to an Intensive Care Unit.
Some countries have relaxed their Covid controls and then seen a second wave of Covid-19 breakout. Perhaps we as a nation are overly cautious.
Much of the Covid-19 success can be attributed to the reaction of the New Zealand Government under Prime Minister Ardern and Dr. Ashley Bloomfield who is the Head of the Ministry of Health
This is what the worlds press are saying about New Zealand
BBC are saying: Coronavirus - How NZ got its coffees back
New Zealand claims no community cases as lockdown eases
CNN have reported: New Zealand lockdown and new pressures
The New Zealand Government official information website: https://covid19.govt.nz/
Your country
We hope you are also having the same or similar levels of success in dealing with the virus and its impact on life, work and study. These are challenging times but Covid management does appear to depend on strong, reasonable and understood focus from leadership that the populatiob of the country will respect when they understand the need and rational for a decision.
Normality as we once followed may never completely return.
For change to occur we need:
Until this occurs:
What is UP Education doing to assist education providers offshore?
UP Education has recognised that many education providers do not have the access to resources that we may have in New Zealand.
We have developed a programme of study, which a select number of providers are using to establish an International Programme within their institution which focuses on New Zealand.
The reasons why education providers are involved are quite varied
To deliver an international focus that distinguishes education providers while enabling students to remain under their parents care and guidance
We have enlisted the assistance of country based representatives to work with education providers to deliver the programme - at no cost to the education provider. Our current focus is China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Russia and Brazil. Very soon we will be looking for interest from other countries where we can play an assistance role.
Why focus on New Zealand?
We hope you con tinue to be safe and well as the world moves through these challenging times. If you would like information on areas not covered in this Newsletter please do not hesitate to to ask for this.
Kia Kaha.
Who is UP Education?
We are group of schools and colleges - originally just in New Zealand and today also in Australia.
UP International College delivers the three university foundation programmes in New Zealand https://partnerships.up.education/
The Campbell Institute http://www.campbell.ac.nz/
An English School located in Auckland and Wellington
New Zealand School of Tourism https://nzschooloftourism.co.nz/
Which includes:
Cut Above Academy
Elite School of Beauty & Spa
Face and Beauty
NZMA https://www.nzma.ac.nz/
Which includes:
Academy NZ
New Zealand Career College
North Shore International Academy
The Culinary Collective
Yoobee Colleges https://www.yoobee.ac.nz/
Which now includes:
Animation College
South Seas School of Film and Television
We have also operate in Australia with pathway and diploma programmes delivered for
Contact details:
Student Support Contact email [email protected]
New Student Contact email [email protected]
[email protected]