Programs That Make Us Proud & EduCanada Scholarship, Mohawk College
Newsletter - Free Vaccination for Mohawk's
Dear Partner
Please share this announcement with your colleagues and students. We sent it to all current students to their emails but make it more visible please share in your social media or other channels as well.
*iCent App has the updated information about vaccination possibility for students.
Mohawk College is strongly encouraging all students to receive vaccinations before the return-to-campus in the fall and we are writing to you with some specific news about COVID-19 vaccination availability in Hamilton.
In partnership with Hamilton Public Health, the Student Wellness office is booking a limited number of COVID-19 vaccination appointments for Mohawk College students. Please contact the Student Wellness Team if you have questions about eligibility. These appointments are available in the next several days to anyone meeting those criteria, including Mohawk College international students. Note that an Ontario Health Card is not required.
Appointments for students will be booked via email at [email protected]. Please note that this is the only email address that will be used to arrange appointments – emails to other accounts about this matter will not receive a response. Locations and times of appointments offered through Public Health will be confirmed via email.
Racialized populations include but are not limited to people who identify as Black, Latin American, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and multi-racial. This campaign has been established to increase vaccine accessibility to populations that have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.
Any questions or concerns about vaccination should be directed to your medical provider. Anyone with questions about barriers to accessing vaccinations, including not having a health card, can contact [email protected] for support.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Follow us on social media – Russian & English – invite your friends and family.
Best regards,
Lana Belau
IPR Market Specialist – Europe&Eurasia
Official websites: English / Russian (русский)
Mobile: (+1) 905-870-0273 (WhatsApp, Telegram & Viber)
Skype: Mohawk_Lana
Social Media:
F: Mohawk International Eurasia / Mohawk International Europe
I: Mohawk College Eurasia / Mohawk College Europe
VK: Mohawk International Eurasia
Y: Mohawk College International Eurasia
Phone: (+1) 905-575-1212 ext.4104
Mohawk College
135 Fennell Avenue West
Hamilton, ON L9C 0E5 Canada
Рита Френч, международный посол Великобритании по правам человека, выступила с заявлением Великобритании на Универсальном периодическом обзоре (УПО) Таиланда.
Соединенное Королевство приветствует переход Таиланда к демократии и отмечает прогресс, достигнутый в области прав человека, включая принятие Национального плана действий в области бизнеса и прав человека. Мы с нетерпением ждем его реализации и призываем Таиланд предпринять дальнейшие шаги по созданию открытой и благоприятной среды для гражданского общества.
Мы рекомендуем Таиланду:
Внедрить национальный механизм перенаправления в связи с современным рабством, в котором используется подход, ориентированный на интересы жертв, и обеспечить единообразное выполнение национальных руководящих принципов по выявлению и проверке жертв.
Принять открытый, основанный на заслугах процесс при отборе национальных кандидатов на выборы в договорный орган ООН.
Обеспечить защиту гражданского пространства и правозащитников, включая молодежь, представителей гражданского общества, юристов, СМИ и ученых, чтобы они могли действовать свободно и в полной мере осуществлять права на свободу выражения мнений, в том числе в Интернете, и свободу мирных собраний. и ассоциации.
Визы в UK на 10 лет! Работаем с британскими визами 15 лет.
Бесплатные консультации
Dear Friends WikiVisa,
Welcoming a brand new year of 2021 is important and lets stay together, connected and supportive!
One more time on behalf of Mohawk College I would like to thank you for your continuing support, so creative way of working and your ideas!
If you have any good news stories about Mohawk College students or employees, feel free to share them with me.
I am open to receive your thoughts of what updates from Mohawk College you would like to receive.
What I need from you: Please send me your marketing activities/events calendar with including budget that you might be planning on your own with our participation
or on our behalf for 2021 as I am planning Mohawk’s activities including budget and need to finalize it by January 31st .
What’s New
January Start Up: All our students have started successfully January semester in person and online.
Applications update: Our Applications from Europe + CIS increased by 50% for all intakes and this rate is growing rapidly.
We are open to receive applications for January 2021 (depends on seat availability and late start date) – all programs and applications still open for September.
Entering Canada: If students (current and new) are willing to come in person study in Mohawk College, we have a procedure, please connect with me and I will guide you through all stages of arrivals. More information about Entering Canada: here.
English Tests: Duolingo still acceptable for September 2021.
Amazing Updates:
EduCanada Scholarship 2021-2022 – we accept applicants from Ukrainian Region only (for my regions). More details for EduCanada Scholarship: here. If you have interested applicants please send me an inquiry. This information is not for the advertisement purposes.
1+1 Graduate Certificate Programs: New twinning postgraduate path for students. Now students can select 2 graduate certificate programs at once: Register + Receive Letter of Acceptance for 2 years duration Read More. Intakes: September 2021 and 2022.
Bachelor of Digital Health: Our own brand new Bachelor Program is available to international students for September 2021 intake Read More. Tuition fee is much cheaper than University.
Russian website version: Mohawk’s Russian website has been launched and ready for you, your colleagues, parents & students to use. We keep updating it on the regular basis and welcoming you to contribute on the improvements. Russian Website: – Read More. You can update your website, social media and marketing materials with adding it.
We continue to improve our services and programs, developing and launching so many interesting projects – stay tuned for further updates.
Stay healthy and safe!
Please visit our official websites:
Russian (Русский) :
Best regards,
Lana Belau
Market Specialist – Europe & CIS
International Partnerships & Recruitment
Telegram & Viber
Skype: Mohawk_Lana
Phone: (+1) 905-575-1212 ext.4104
Mohawk College
135 Fennell Avenue West
Hamilton, ON L9C 0E5