Everyone at Churchill House School would like to say a big thank you for voting for us last year and spending the time to vote for us again
Summer School
Игорь Озерин, добрый день,
Мне было очень приятно познакомится с вашими коллегами, жаль, что Вас я не застала! Можете мне сказать сколько студентов Вы послали учится в Великобританию в прошлом учебном году?
Как меня и просили я Вам высылаю Application Form для Myddelton College. На данный момент, мы еще разрабатываем нашу летнею программу, она будет стоить £850 за человека в неделю и это включает всё кроме перелёта. Как только у меня будет больше информации я обязательно её Вам перешлю.
Хорошего Вам дня!
С уважением,
Julija Medneva
International Recruitment Officer (CIS/Russia)
IQ Schools Group Ltd, 6th Floor (6.01), Crossway, 156 Great Charles St, Queensway, Birmingham, B3 3HN.
T: +44 (0) 1212851884
M : +44 7 803 206 940
Инфляция ИПЦ составила 5,1% в ноябре 2021 года, что вызвало открытое письмо от управляющего Банка Англии к канцлеру 16 декабря 2021 года. Канцлер ответила управляющему 16 декабря 2021 года.
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В соответствии с полномочиями, открытые письма публикуются вместе с протоколом первого собрания MPC, которое следует за публикацией данных CPI, или в течение семи дней после публикации данных, если собрание MPC уже началось.
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STM Star Awards 2017
Voting for the STM Star Awards 2017 has now begun and we would really appreciate
it if you could please vote for Churchill House School of English in the following two
categories :-
ST Star Junior Course for under 18s and ST Star English Language School - Europe
Why choose Churchill House?
Churchill House School of English is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English as a foreign language.
To obtain accreditation, the school must comply with strict regulations relating to general management, academic management, academic staff profile, premises, academic resources, learning and teaching, welfare. The British Council only accredits organisations which meet these areas.
Churchill House has high levels of customer satisfaction
A lot of our students come to Churchill House because they have heard of us from friends, work colleagues or relatives, or are coming back themselves for another visit.
All year round school
Churchill House is an English language school, established in 1971, that uses its great experience and knowledge to run summer schools in different locations each summer.
Experienced and well trained staff
Teachers closely monitor a student’s progress throughout the course to ensure a student is in the correct level for their abilities.
Social life
A successful language course does not just depend on excellent teaching and accommodation.
A comprehensive and well organised leisure programme is equally important.
Multinational classes
Students from 60 different countries learning in truly international surroundings.
Themed project work
Innovative, challenging and motivating group, pair and individual lessons which include the areas of speaking, reading, listening and writing.
Rosetta Stone
Interactive English language course and English in Action.
Educational and exciting excursion and activity programme
Designed to improve students’ level of fluency, to raise their confidence levels and, of course, to be interesting and fun.
Quality Summer Centres
Based in picturesque landscaped grounds with rich heritage and with lots of historical ambience.
Exceptional student care
Ratio of 1 member of staff to every 10 students and around the clock supervision. The centres also have two first-aid trained staff available at all times.
Residential centre and home stay accommodation
Students have a choice of staying with a family in their home or in the accommodation within the centre. We have a register of over 300 families who have all been personally inspected and classified. Families are revisited every year to make sure that the highest possible standards are maintained.
Please click HERE to vote for us
If you are unable to click on the vote button above, please copy and paste this link to the internet http://www.studytravel.network/star-awards/vote-for-educators/
Everyone at Churchill House School would like to say a big thank you for voting for us last year and spending the time to vote for us again this year. We hope to see you all again at our all year round school in Ramsgate or at one of our summer junior schools in the summer.