Novel Coronavirus - As the international situation re Novel Coronavirus continues to evolve...



г. Moscow

4 Марта 2020, 12:06 | # 86560

Novel Coronavirus
As the international situation re Novel Coronavirus continues to evolve, I write to update you as to the College’s position and the measures that we are taking to ensure the safety of all members of the community.

The World Health Organisation have declared the outbreak of Coronavirus as a public health emergency of international concern and the risk in the UK is currently set to ‘moderate’ by the chief medical officers.  As the UK Government continues to plan and prepare for further cases, it falls to organisations such as ours to continue to develop their own robust policies which proactively limit the risk of infection.  To that end, ours remains as follows: 

1. All students and staff should avoid travel to the countries currently listed as the worst-affected areas (updated list found later in this letter).  Any travel to these countries will result in 14 days of self-isolation prior to returning to CSFC.  Travel to a country not on the list which, whilst there, is added to the list, may result in 14 days of self-isolation.
2. All students and staff should avoid all contact with anyone who has recently travelled to any of the countries on the list.  Any contact must be declared and advice will immediately be sought from NHS Wales and could result in 14 days of self-isolation.
3. All students and staff should follow the advice on hand hygiene and how to avoid the risk of infection which has been sent to them (repeated later in this letter).
4. Anyone who experiences flu-like symptoms whether at CSFC or elsewhere, should self-isolate and call NHS Direct (or local healthcare services if outside of the UK) for immediate advice.  They will self-isolate until they are advised by a medical professional that they are safe to return to CSFC.

We can confirm that some students are currently remaining away from CSFC as they have visited areas which have recently been added to the list of countries most at risk. We are happy to confirm that none of these students or staff have reported any symptoms at the time of writing, and are extremely grateful to them and to their families and guardians for their support throughout this complicated time. 

The first confirmed case of coronavirus has now been reported in Wales.  Details are limited and we can confirm that this is not a member of the CSFC student body.  The official release from the Welsh Government can be seen here.  The BBC has reported that the case is in the Swansea area, but this has not (at the time of writing) been confirmed by the Welsh Government.  

Other helpful links can be found here: 

· World Health Organisation
· UK Government
· Health Protection Scotland
· Public Health Wales
· Department of Health, Northern Ireland
· Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Ireland
· The Lancet. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
· Advice on self-isolation
· Advice to Educational Settings

Forthcoming Events 

We ask that those of you who plan to visit Cardiff either for the forthcoming parents’ evening, Glee production or Cultural Event, do not do so if you have recently visited any of the countries listed below. We are happy to arrange consultations via telephone or Skype with your son/daughter’s Head of House if you wish. 

Easter break 

Our position on the Easter break is as follows: Dear Parents & Guardians, 

1. Travel outside of the UK

All students are strongly advised not to travel to any of the following countries over the Easter break:

· China
· Hong Kong
· Thailand
· Japan
· Republic of Korea
· Taiwan
· Singapore
· Malaysia
· Macau
· Italy
· Iran
· Cambodia
· Laos
· Myanmar
· Vietnam

Any student who does intend to travel to any of these countries must disclose their plans to their Head of House.  There is a possibility that they may not be able to return to the UK if the situation changes and if they do travel and return to the UK, they will be asked to remain in self-isolation for a period of 14 days, prior to returning to Cardiff Sixth Form College.   

Those planning to travel to countries not listed above are currently safe to do so but should be mindful of the changing situation and aware that, if circumstances change whilst they are abroad, the same restrictions as outlined above could apply.

In summary, we advise against any non-essential foreign travel. 

We will offer remote academic support to any students who are unable to return to the College. 

2. Contact with individuals

If any student is likely to have contact with an individual who has travelled from a region considered to be at risk by the UK Government, within the last two weeks, they should discuss their plans with their Head of House.  Any contact must be disclosed, after which we shall seek advice from the local health authorities who may advise a period of isolation of up to 14 days.  During that period, there will be no contact with students or staff and all education will be missed.

3. Prevention of infection

All students and staff are reminded that they should:

· Wash their hands regularly, with soap and water.  Use of an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is also recommended. Hands should always be washed before leaving home or the boarding accommodation; on arrival at school; after using the toilet; after breaks and activities; before eating or preparing food; before leaving school
· Cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue and then dispose of the tissue in a bin.
· Report to the College Nurse, if they feel unwell, for further advice.  Local students should remain at home and seek advice from their own doctor or from NHS Direct.
· Avoid touching their eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands.
· Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

4. When flu-like symptoms are present

Any student or member of staff who experience a fever, cough or shortness of breath (however mild) should:

· Stay at home, in the medical centre or their bedroom in college accommodation.
· Seek immediate advice from NHS Wales on 111 or 08454647
· Separate themselves from other people.
· Contact CSFC, immediately.

All students at Cardiff Sixth Form College are sitting public examinations in the summer and whilst we recognise that many of them will have spent a significant time away from home, the opportunity to remain in Cardiff, focusing on their studies, will be beneficial and we will work to ensure that all students are as well looked-after as possible. 

Finally, the College is putting together plans for a worst-case scenario, which we shall share with all parents, guardians and agents, as appropriate.   

Thank you all for your support and understanding throughout this complicated situation.  Do please contact CSFC if you have any questions or concerns. 


Yours faithfully,

Tom Arrand

Head of Cardiff Sixth Form College


1, 2 & 3 Trinity Court 21-27 Newport Road Cardiff CF24 0AA UK


Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

6 Марта 2020, 12:02 | # 86601

Coronavirus: Communication to Guidance Counselors and Agents


5 p.m. (CET), March 2, 2020

Dear Maria Ozerina,

At EU Business School, the safety and wellbeing of our students, faculty, staff and stakeholders like yourselves are our top priority. For this reason, we are monitoring the situation of the coronavirus very closely and are following and applying the directives of the official health authorities in each of our campus countries.

At the time of this communiqué, eight cases of coronavirus have been detected in Geneva and one in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, 15 in the province of Catalonia, Spain, and 25 in Bavaria, Germany. All patients are under specialist care and their contacts supervised to contain the virus.

To date there are no worldwide travel restrictions in place. At EU Business School, we are additionally advising students to not travel to areas of risk and to contact their student counselor if they do so. All students have received copies of the country health protocols and know the official country health lines to contact if they are showing flu-like symptoms and have recently traveled to these regions or have been in close contact with individuals who have. In Switzerland and Germany, some large events have also been canceled.

Country authorities continue to advise that the most effective way to prevent the virus is through hygiene. All our campuses have been equipped with hand sanitizers and students, staff and faculty are being advised to use them frequently, to handwash regularly, to cover their mouths and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing and to not share food or drink in their daily lives both inside and outside campus.
Please rest assured that we will inform you if additional measures are required as advised by the official authorities. To date, EU Business School continues to operate as normal.


Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

9 Декабря 2021, 18:21 | # 97349

Предпочтительный кандидат правительства на роль первого комиссара государственной службы

Канцлер герцогства Ланкастер сегодня утвердил баронессу Стюарт Эджбастонскую в качестве предпочтительного кандидата на роль первого комиссара гражданской службы.

Канцлер герцогства Ланкастер сегодня утвердил баронессу Стюарт Эджбастонскую в качестве предпочтительного кандидата на роль первого комиссара гражданской службы.

Баронесса Стюарт начала свою карьеру в частном секторе, работая в издательском деле и книготорговле в Германии, Нидерландах и Великобритании. Баронесса Стюарт затем работала министром при лейбористском правительстве в 1999–2001 годах, входила в комитет по безопасности и разведке, а затем председательствовала в отпуске для голосования в 2016 году. С 2017 года баронесса Стюарт внесла свой вклад в общественную жизнь, играя беспартийные роли. Сюда входят должности в Королевском монетном дворе, Городском университете Бирмингема и в качестве ведущего члена неисполнительного совета в Кабинете министров. Баронесса Стюарт теперь сидит в качестве коллеги по перекрестным скамьям, где она работает независимо, вне партийно-политических рамок.

Рекомендация соответствует справедливому и открытому процессу приема на работу в соответствии с требованиями Закона о конституционной реформе и управлении 2010 года. Вскоре последует предварительная проверка перед назначением со стороны Комитета государственного управления и конституционных вопросов (PACAC). Следуя рекомендациям последнего обзора Комиссии по государственной службе, в критериях назначения подчеркивалась необходимость действовать независимо от государственной службы и с учетом широкого спектра опыта, полученного вне рамок государственной службы. Кандидаты также должны были продемонстрировать, как они будут придерживаться Семи принципов общественной жизни.

Ян Уотмор ушел с поста первого комиссара государственной службы 30 сентября 2021 года, так как его пятилетний срок без права продления истек. Кампания в пользу Первого комиссара гражданской службы началась в августе, и премьер-министр уполномочил Рози Глейзбрук выполнять функции Первого комиссара с 1 октября 2021 года до заполнения вакансии.

Достопочтенный Стив Барклай, канцлер герцогства Ланкастер, сказал:

Я рад подтвердить, что баронесса Стюарт является предпочтительным кандидатом на должность первого комиссара государственной службы. Баронесса Стюарт обладает всеми качествами, опытом и независимостью суждений, необходимыми для эффективного руководства Комиссией по государственной службе.

Я хотел бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы поблагодарить Яна Уотмора за его работу в качестве первого комиссара государственной службы в течение последних пяти лет, а также выразить благодарность Рози Глейзбрук за выполнение функций офиса, пока мы принимаем на работу преемника Яна ».

После слушания перед назначением PACAC опубликует свои рекомендации, которые правительство рассмотрит перед принятием решения о завершении назначения.

Примечания для редакторов:

  • Баронесса Стюарт была ведущим неисполнительным членом кабинета министров (с 2020 года) и сегодня ушла в отставку; Председатель Правления и Консультативного совета Wilton Park (Исполнительное агентство Министерства иностранных дел и по делам Содружества) (с 2018 г.). Был назначен в Палату лордов в качестве независимого коллеги (сентябрь 2020 г.), а затем присоединился к группе коллег Crossbench. Ранее депутат от лейбористской партии Бирмингема Эджбастон (1997–2017), председатель Совета по предоставлению права голоса (2016) и министр Министерства здравоохранения (1999–2001).
  • Комиссия по кампании, частично назначенная Комиссией по гражданской службе, состояла из:
    • Саймон Кейс, секретарь кабинета министров
    • Сара Хили, постоянный секретарь, DCMS
    • Лорд Каккар, независимый от правительства и Комиссии по государственной службе
    • Сью Лэнгли, ведущий неисполнительный директор Министерства внутренних дел и председатель Gallagher UK
  • В трехгодичном обзоре (2014 г.) Комиссии по государственной службе говорится в п. 3.22, что «в будущем у ее председателя будут явные преимущества, если он будет восприниматься как независимый как от государственной службы, так и от правительства, а также иметь более широкий опыт, чем у правительства. Гражданская служба".
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2021 г.
Последнее обновление 9 декабря 2021 г. 
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