Учеба в США


Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

11 Апреля 2016, 18:54 | # 66275
Dear WikiVisa.Ru,

It was my pleasure to meeting you at the ICEF in Moscow. We look forward to working with you and to receiving your students.

I have attached the following information for you:

Agent Agreement (valid for all our Florida schools)
New Agent Background and Training Verification Form
inlingua Florida Agent Training Manual
Our promotional flyers for Fort Lauderdale Center

Please complete all parts of the attached Prospective Agent Background Verification chart and e-mail back to my attention with the completed agent agreement. As soon as we receive both attachments, we will process right away your agent agreement and return to you for your records.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or require assistance. We want to work with you to provide your students with an experience of a lifetime.

I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

Our link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu3pJwJp3m0 and website: http://www.inlingua-if.com/locations/english-classes-fort-lauderdale

Best regards,

Danijela Gavrilovic
Accommodations Manager
Agent Liaison
110 North Federal Highway, Suite C-4
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
Tel: 954.989.4305 ext 205
Fax: 954.397.7172
Worldwide Toll Free; 1.877.30 INLINGUA (1.877.304.6546)
[email protected]
SKYPE: danijela.inlingua




г. Moscow

25 Апреля 2016, 11:43 | # 57313
Dear Partner agents WikiVisa.Ru,

Hopefully this email finds you well.
Zoni Language Centers is an exclusive education provider offering short-term, long term, pathways, free university placement, English with emphasis on global law, business, international relations & politics, Medical, Oil and cultural issues as well as junior summer / winter programs. For more than 25 years, we focus very much on three exciting regions: United States, Canada & United Kingdom. Please see our latest study abroad programs promotions for our prestige agents:

In the past years, Zoni Language Centers has already developed an effective agency network for the recruitment of our programs all over the world. As recently we see a tremendous increase of demand from your country, we would like to touch base with you to seek potential business opportunity.
At the moment I would like to schedule a phone or skype meeting with you to discuss our offering programs and marketing share opportunities.
More information regarding all our programs courses is available at Zoni.com
Let us know if you are interested in a business partnership and which programs would be of interest for you. We then could send you more information regarding agency remuneration and programs details.
It would be our great pleasure to work with you.
Kind regards,
Julio Nieto
Vice President Marketing and Admissions
[email protected]
Skype: julio.nieto87
Would you consider the possibility of a new agreement for the year 2016-2017?I look forward to continue the relationship we have established by renewing our contracts before the month ends and see if you qualify for a 35% commission for our international study abroad programs.
In addition, for your information we are renewing all of our partner agreements as we are reinvented the way Zoni Language Centers services are offering.
Zoni Centers | 1434 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139


г. Москва

1 Мая 2016, 19:34 | # 57314
Вид на жительство в Англию. Вид на жительства в Шотландию. Вид на жительства в Уэльс и Северную Ирландию.

Оформить вид на жительство в Великобритании можно только по ограниченным британским категориям виз; рабочие визы, учебные визы, визы жены или мужа, виза инвестора, виза предпринимателя и иные визы в UK).
Биометрический вид на жительства (UK BRP карта) дает право проживать в UK круглый год, а также работать и учиться в Великобритании.

Как можно получить Вид На Жительства в Соединенное Королевство?

Биометрическую карту Biometric Residence Permit (BRP карта вид на жительства в UK) получают в британском почтовом отделенииRoyal Mail (Post Office) по месту жительства в Великобритании (адрес который Вы указали в онлайн анкете на визу).
Работодатель в Великобритании может получить Вашу карту ВНЖ (UK BRP) и выдать ее Вам на рабочем месте, а также британское учебное заведение может получить для Вас карту ВНЖ (UK BRP).
Но, в большинстве случаев, заявитель на ВНЖ в Великобританию самостоятельно получает карту BRP в почтовом отделении Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Северной Ирландии.

Карту BRP выдают только при наличии визы Tier4, Tier 2, Settelment Visa, Dependant Visa, Investor Visa, Entrepreneur visa и иные категории иммиграционных виз в Великобританию.

Информация по категориям виз в Великобританию - Кто может получить Вид На Жительство в Великобританию?

Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

3 Мая 2016, 21:36 | # 57315
Новости Посольства Великобритании 2016

С апреля 2016 года можно подать онлайн документы на визу и заполнить онлайн анкету на британскую визу на официальном правительственном сайте иммиграционной службы Соединенного Королевства.


Подать онлайн анкету и документы для визы в UK можно по следующим категориям;
Туристическая виза
Семейная виза / Гостевая виза

Бизнес виза / Деловая виза
Медицинская виза
Виза спортсмена
Виза артиста
Виза невесты / жениха (для заключения брака на территории Великобритании)

Виза ребенка / Виза для несовершеннолетних детей
Рабочие визы (ограниченные категории)

И иные стандартные визы в Великобританию, смотрите визовую информацию ниже.


We are currently updating our online visa application service. You can apply using the new service if you are applying for a:
- Standard Visitor Visa
- Marriage Visitor Visa
- 1 month Permitted Paid Engagements visa
Currently this service is only available to people applying in China, India, Russia, Belarus and Turkey. Applicants in these countries can apply here https://www.gov.uk/

The Standard Visitor visa has replaced the:
  • Family Visitor visa
  • General Visitor visa
  • Child Visitor visa
  • Business Visitor visa, including visas for academics, doctors and dentists
  • Sports Visitor visa
  • Entertainer Visitor visa
  • Prospective Entrepreneur visa
  • Private Medical Treatment Visitor visa
  • Approved Destination Status (ADS) visa
If you visit the UK on business
You can apply for a Standard Visitor visa if you want to visit the UK for business-related activities, eg:
  • you’re coming to the UK for a conference, meeting or training
  • you want to take part in a specific sports-related event
  • you’re an artist, entertainer or musician and coming to the UK to perform
  • you’re an academic and are doing research or accompanying students on a study abroad programme
  • you’re a doctor or dentist and are coming to the UK to take a clinical attachment or observer post
  • you want to take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or sit the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
  • you want to get funding to start, take over, join or run a business in the UK
Check the the Visitor Rules to find the full list of business-related activities you can do with a Standard Visitor visa.
Документы и анкеты на визу в Англию и Шотландию на русском языке

Администраторы информационного портала, Специалист

г. Москва

23 Мая 2016, 10:08 | # 57316

Diana Banham
Head of Admissions: Senior Registrar, Roedean School, East Sussex
Email: [email protected]
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to launch our new 1 year GCSE Programme designed to allow international students an opportunity to develop their English Language skills whilst experiencing a broad range of educational and cultural opportunities. The programme focuses on building a firm academic basis for future progression to A Level.
The booklet outlining the programme can be found in "School Documents". I hope you find it interesting.
Best regards
Joanna Clarke
Reply to Diana
Message sent via British Boarding Schools Connected. If you need your login details contact: [email protected] To login go to : www.bbsconnected.com

SR Events Ltd, British Boarding Schools Connected is a trading name of SR Events Ltd in the UK
Registered in England, Company Number 05728330.


г. Москва

24 Июня 2016, 21:48 | # 57317
Dear WikiVisa.RuEarn 50% Commission!

Programs available for nonimmigrant (F-1 Visa) students & tourists! Respond to this email and we will send you an agent agreement in order to get started.
Earn 50% Commission
  • Register a student by July 31st, 2016 and earn 50% commission on tuition.
  • Registration & Materials Fee required to confirm enrollment.
  • Other terms and conditions may apply.
Respond to this email and we will send you an agent agreement in order to get started!
In Miami & Miami Beach
Qualifies for F-1 (Student) Visa
As low as $150 per week!

<< Click here to find out more! >>

What this program includes:
  • Small Group English Classes
  • Intensive Program qualifies for F-1 Student Visa
  • Accredited by CEA
  • Students can start on any Monday
  • Each level takes 13 weeks to complete
  • Meet students from around the world
  • Activities and accommodation available
  • 6 Levels, from absolute beginner to advanced
Highly competitive prices.

Visa Information Language On is authorized under Federal Law to enroll nonimmigrant students.

<< Click here to find out more! >>

Do you have questions about the visa process?
  • Do you have a student applying for initial attendance?
  • Do you have a student applying for a transfer?
  • Do you have a student applying for a change of status?
Let us answer your questions for you!
Language On407 Lincoln RoadSuite 300Miami Beach, Florida 33139


г. Москва

22 Октября 2021, 20:09 | # 95042

Отчет AAIB, Tekever AR5 Evolution Mk 2, двойной останов двигателя, Кент

При подготовке к посадке оба двигателя Tekever AR5 Evolution Mk 2 (G-TEKV) неожиданно отключились. Внешний пилот взял на себя управление и совершил посадку без дальнейших инцидентов 29 декабря 2020 года.

Tekever AR5 Evolution

На орбите к югу от взлетно-посадочной полосы в рамках подготовки к посадке в аэропорту Лидд оба двигателя беспилотного самолета Tekever AR5 Evolution Mk 2 (G-TEKV) неожиданно отключились. Внешний пилот на земле, который был визуально с самолетом, взял на себя управление и приземлился без дальнейших инцидентов.

Выключение сдвоенного двигателя могло быть вызвано ошибкой бортовых данных.

Для снижения риска повторения были предприняты различные меры безопасности, включая улучшения аппаратного и программного обеспечения самолета, а также программного обеспечения наземной станции управления.

Прочтите отчет.

Справки для СМИ: 01932 440015 или 07814 812293

Опубликовано 21 октября 2021 г.
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Визы в UK на 10 лет! Работаем с британскими визами 15 лет.

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