Расположение университета в Майами, штат Флорида (Miami, FL USA)
Zoni Pathway Programs Your journey to an American university degree begins with our innovative Pathway Programs. Meet new people from around the globe, while enjoying access to the resources of a world-class American university. Zoni famous US Pathway Program The Zoni US Pathway Program is a multi-component program created by the Zoni & a Consortium of North American Universities. Through Zoni Pathway, students from all over the world are prepared to enter a bachelor’s degree program or a graduate’s program in one of the Zoni American University Partners. Upon successful completion of the prerequisites, students are offered admission to different member institutions and some without requiring a TOEFL or IELTS score. In Zoni Pathway, students earn academic credits, comprehensive English preparation, and a supportive learning environment. Students who successfully attend our program will receive a personalize academic advising to secure admissions in one of the American Universities. Program Features A pathway to enrollment at one of the U.S. colleges/universities A two-semester English course or university skills course to build academic skills to a level which will enable students to participate successfully in all facets of academic and college life in the U.S. Spend “Summer Bridge” term in the U.S. as you transition to the academic and social life in an American college/university Discover your education and job options in the Career and Program Counseling course Benefit from transition assistance as you enter your destination institution.
WikiVisa - Greetings from RMA!
With fall registration behind us, we are excited about all the boys returning to campus and the hustle and bustle it creates. To top it off, we have 14 international students in the highest ranking student positions on campus! We are proud of the accomplishments achieved by these hard-working boys.
As always, I want to remind you that we have a rolling enrollment at RMA. Please continue to send applications this way for both fall and spring.
I look forward to continuing our partnership in bringing diverse and talented young men to our school!
Mrs. Kayla Cox Davenport
Director of International Admissions
Riverside Military Academy
2001 Riverside Drive
Gainesville, GA 30501
770-532-6251 (Ext 2183)
Fax 678-291-3364
Skype: rma.kcox
В отчете о данных о государственных назначениях на 2020/21 год приводится разбивка по разнообразию государственных назначенных лиц.
В отчете о данных о государственных назначениях на 2020/21 год приводится разбивка по разнообразию государственных назначенных лиц.
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Бесплатные консультации https://t.me/wikivisa_chat
В данном письме, в приложении брошюра и профайл университета Florida International University, расположенный в Майами. На кампусе этого университета мы пока ведем программ Undergraduate pathway или прямое зачисление на первый курс. В скором будущем мы планируем открыть программу Masters Accelerator Program для последующего зачисления на магистратуру.
FIU очень сильный по:
*Доступны стипендии в размере 20% от стоимости обучения!
Также, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь и делитесь с потенциальными студентами или повесьте на сайт виртуальный тур университета: http://www.youvisit..com/thirdparty/yourcampus2.php?college=79966&fs=1&inst=60155&loc=trail1:0:1:1
Фото университета прикреплены непосредственно к профайлу вуза, видео кампуса и студенческой жизни Вы можете скачать по ссылке: http://rusfolder.com/43414622 и http://rusfolder.com/43414623 (обе ссылки доступны для скачивания до 9 мая 2015). Альтернативная ссылка 1 и 2
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Канал FloridaInternational на youtube
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