Roedean School, East Sussex
Лорд Эванс ответил на письмо лорда Тру о заявлении правительства о Министерском кодексе и Независимом советнике по интересам министров.
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Лорд Тру написал лорду Эвансу 27 мая 2022 года по поводу заявления о политике правительства в отношении стандартов в общественной жизни . Заявление правительства является ответом на рекомендации Комитета по стандартам в общественной жизни по реформированию Министерского кодекса и роли Независимого советника по интересам министров, как указано в отчете Комитета о соблюдении стандартов в общественной жизни .
Лорд Эванс ответил на политическое заявление правительства письмом от 30 мая 2022 года.
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Бесплатные консультации
Diana Banham
Head of Admissions: Senior Registrar, Roedean School, East Sussex
Email: [email protected]
Dear Colleagues WikiVisa.Ru,
I write with extremely exciting news. You will be aware that Roedean has achieved the highest GCSE and A Level results in the history of the school and the school is now placed at No 57 in the league tables. To put this into perspective, 3 years ago, Roedean was at No 169. I attach below links to our website.
In Summary
2016 GCSE – 75% A*- A grade
2016 A Levels – 62% A* - A grade
These results are a fantastic achievement for Roedean, following on from a brilliant ISI Inspectorate Report, bringing it back to its position as a first class academic school. Oliver Blond, Headmaster, said “I am proud of the girls’ success, and believe that their results will place Roedean amongst the top girls’ school in the country”.
Every single girl benefits greatly from our exceptional provision, and with our £½ million refurbishment of the 6th Form facilities and plans for a flood-lit astroturf and school farm in the near future, our school combines excellent academic achievement, an exceptional co-curricular offer and stunning location and wonderful buildings and facilities - a Roedean education is truly a unique experience.
We thank you for your part in this success, for your support over the past few years and we look forward to working with you this year.
Should you wish to visit the school for a tour at any time, please do let me know and I would be delighted to organise this.
Best regards
Miss J Clarke
Admissions Assistant
Roedean School
01273 667685