Willingham House Campus



г. Москва

28 Сентября 2016, 11:08 | # 68239

Dear WikiVisa.Ru,                                  

My name is Philip Taylor and I am contacting you as our original contact, Anna, has left Cambridge Melchior College. I note that you have had some email exchanges about our offer. I would still like to take this opportunity to update you on our curriculum offer for 2016/17. I hope that when you have read this email that you will find something that is of interest to your clients. 

Our Willingham House Campus is an historic and beautiful set of college teaching and residential buildings set in landscaped gardens situated in the heart of the Cambridgeshire countryside that offers: 

  • A safe and secure environment
  • Residential en suite accommodation with house parents who promote a positive English cultural experience
  • Full board that includes cooked luncheon and dinner
  • A highly experienced educational team
  • A stimulating mix of activities and excursions ranging from archery & horse riding, visiting places of historic interest to experiencing British cultural activities.
  • Our facilities includes en suite accommodation, student recreation areas and refreshment facilities

Please note that our campus is within easy reach of the ancient university city of Cambridge where many of our student activities take place. We also offer homestay accommodation. 

We offer a variety of programmes to non-native speakers of English that include: 

  • Cultural Exchange Programmes: Winter, Spring and Summer camps - These programmes follow the popular pattern of formal English language tuition with a focus on speaking and listening followed by activities in the afternoons and excursions at the weekends. We work hard with our teachers to ensure that the lessons are fun and link to the activities and excursion programme. We feel this helps to make the lessons and excursions more interesting. 
  • IGCSE & A level revision and  booster programmes: These programmes are designed to tackle areas of weakness, improve confidence, develop exam technique and improve grades. Each booster programme is based on feedback from students so that we are best able to address any areas of weakness, build on their strengths and enhance their skills to increase confidence.   
  • English Language: We run a range of certificated and non-certificated English Language programmes  all designed for non-native speakers of English to improve a student’s ability to communicate in English. The College currently offers:
  • General English (To improve the 4 skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking)
  • IELTS preparation
  • English for academic purposes (EAP)
  • Certificated English Language programmes (IESOL accredited by Gatehouse Awards) 
  • Bespoke Programmes: A service where we devise programmes working closely with clients across a broad range of professional and educational sectors to meet their specific requirements and interests. Examples include, intercultural training for business professionals English and legal studies programmes, and family study breaks
  • Teacher Training Programmes and conferences: We cover 2 distinct areas here: 1. short introductory courses on the approaches to teaching, learning and assessment undertaken in UK educational settings (Including modules such as an exploration of teaching principles and practices, and challenges facing the English education system). 2. EFL teachers refresher courses. These are practical programmes aimed at non-native speakers of English teaching EFL in their home country who wish to develop their professional skills, modules include: blended learning, using technology in the classroom and creativity in the classroom. Please note that both programmes are delivered in English and offer participants the opportunity to share good practice and network with likeminded professionals 
  • Themed Programmes: These offer participants  the opportunity to study specific topics or subject areas. Examples of subject based camps include Global Leadership, Business English Camps and the Cambridge English Programme for Adults. We also have camps that allow students to pursue a hobby or area of personal interest. Examples of these camps include Football Camp, University of Cambridge & University of Oxford Experience, music and art camps 
  • University Foundation  (Access) Programme (Level 3), Business Access & Humanities  access: These are one-year university entrance programmes. International students must have achieved level 3 equivalent qualifications in their own country as a condition of entry. It is widely accepted as a university entrance qualification by both selective and non-selective universities. E.g. University of Cambridge admits access students. Students are assessed continuously through examinations, essays, reports, presentations and projects. The level of study is equivalent to A Level and Access Diplomas can lead to qualifications such as full honours degrees, Higher National Certificates or Diplomas, Foundation Degrees and Diplomas of Higher Education. 
  • IGCSE & A levels:   IGCSE is an intermediate, academically rigorous, internationally used, and specialized English language curriculum which is offered to students to prepare them for advanced level study, for example, A level or the International Baccalaureate. We offer a wide range of IGCSE subjects in three academic disciplines- humanities, sciences and the arts. Please note, all students will take a GCSE in mathematics, English and the sciences. A levels: Students select three to four subjects that really interest them and facilitate progression. They will spend approximately 24 hours per week in class. External examinations are taken in May/June and January. 
  • Erasmus High School Experience:  is offered over two-weeks,  one term, two terms or over a whole academic year and gives students the chance to experience UK approach to teaching and learning. This could be a useful programme for those considering coming to the UK to study GCSEs, A levels or an Access programme.  We offer the programme in 3 disciplines: Humanities, Sciences and the Arts.  

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future  

Best regards 


Cambridge Melchior College
Willingham House
50 Church Street
Cambridge CB24 5HT
United Kingdom




Администратор, Профессионал

г. Москва

31 Мая 2022, 15:33 | # 104243

Значительная нечестность

В двух сложных случаях комиссар дорожного движения Шотландии Клэр Гилмор лишила Дункана Макки права на профессиональное вождение на пять лет и отказала ему в выдаче стандартных международных водительских прав.

Комиссар обнаружил доказательства серьезных правонарушений и нечестности. Мистер Макки был водителем в бизнесе, которым управляли его родители. Лицензия Дункана Макки-старшего и Мэри Макки была отозвана из-за значительного количества серьезных нарушений со стороны водителей, оставшихся незамеченными. Это, в свою очередь, повлияло на честную конкуренцию и создало значительный риск для безопасности дорожного движения.

Доказательства, полученные с придорожных остановок, показали, что г-н Макки совершил не менее 57 нарушений правил вождения в период с апреля 2018 г. по август 2019 г. Еще 21 нарушение предположительно было совершено г-ном Макки в период с сентября по ноябрь 2018 г. и с января по март 2020 г. Эти включало вытаскивание карточек водителей непосредственно перед установленным законом временем вождения, а затем продолжение вождения, иногда в течение нескольких часов.

Также было известно, что г-н Макки использовал водительское удостоверение своего отца в дни, когда власти подтвердили, что г-н Макки-старший находился в Испании.

Комиссар сказал: «Я не верю отрицанию г-ном Макки того, что он фальсифицировал записи. Его показания заключались в том, что если было обнаружено, что его карта использовалась, то, должно быть, он был за рулем. Он не одалживал свою карту другим. Несмотря на это, он не смог дать правдоподобного объяснения тем случаям, когда его карточка была изъята, а грузовик продолжал движение, или быстрой замене карточкой его отца, в том числе в тех случаях, когда его отец был за границей».

В заявке на стандартную международную лицензию оператора комиссар пришел к выводу, что г-н Макки не подходит для работы в этой отрасли в качестве оператора.

Что поразительно в этом случае, так это то, что большая часть доказательств должна была быть собрана трудолюбивыми и усердными группами DVSA на обочине дороги из-за нежелания сотрудничать семьи Макки.

Решение о поведении водителя было обжаловано в суде шерифа.

Более подробную информацию можно найти здесь и здесь .

Опубликовано 27 мая 2022 г.
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