Bulb Energy Limited: согласие на подачу заявки на специальный режим администрирования
Письмо бизнес-секретаря в Ofgem о согласии на применение Особого административного режима для Bulb.
После банкротства Bulb суд назначил энергетических администраторов для продолжения управления компанией в соответствии с так называемым Специальным административным режимом ( SAR ).
До обращения в суд для SAR , Ofgem писал бизнес - секретарь ищет свое согласие и изложение , почему SAR в интересах шарика клиентов. Это письмо бизнес-секретаря в адрес Ofgem дает им согласие на проведение SAR .
Efficient Language Coaching is organizing the 1st Worldwide Neurolanguage Coaching Conference, that will be held in Sitges/Barcelona, 27-28-29 October 2016 (www.neurolanguageconference.com). We would be very pleased to have you attending, as other experiences and points of view will be so deeply welcome and this event is mostly about sharing experiences/knowledge and networking, bringing together educators, neuroeducators, language teachers, coaches, people related to neuroscience and like-minded people interested to make a difference in education. Please find below more information. Please register at http://www.neurolanguageconference.com/tickets-2/ (deadline for registration: 31st August 2016 with an Early Bird discounted price of 125€ plus VAT for registrations before the 30th June). Please let me know if you have any query. I thank you for all your attention and look forward to hearing fr om you. Best regards,
Elsa Sousa
[email protected]
on behalf of Mrs. Rachel Paling, ELC DirectorThe 1st Worldwide Neurolanguage Coaching Conference
Sitges, Barcelona, 27-28-29 October 2016
Bringing hard science and coaching into the language learning process
What is the 1st Neurolanguage Coaching Conference?
This conference will be the first opportunity for Accredited Neurolanguage Coaches, non-accredited language coaches, language teachers, educators, neuroeducators and people interested in neuroscience and education to come together from all over the world.
Having witnessed how traditional (language) education is falling short in many countries for both children and adults, it became clear that a more effective approach is now needed to enhance the learning process. The impact then is to radically change the approach of teachers, coaches and educators worldwide to align with how the brain learns and functions best.
The aim of this conference is to create awareness and implement a new approach more suited to the learning of the 21st century. For the first time we bring together educators, neuroeducators, language teachers, coaches, people related to neuroscience and like-minded people interested to make a difference in education.
How will it be?
The speakers will be delivering interactive speeches and presentations and each day will bring the practical experience of the learning from the day to the audience. The topics will be bringing the integrative elements that enhance the learning process connected to neuroscientific research, the coaching world and the language learning environment. Bringing coaching, neuroscience, emotional intelligence and languages into the spotlight.
Wh ere?
The 1st Neurolanguage Coaching Conference will be held at Hotel Playa Golf Sitges, Barcelona, a superb environment with an amazing micro-climate, beach and charismatic surroundings to enjoy the Costa Dorada and only 45 minutes from Barcelona Airport.
The physical address of the venue is:
Passeig Marítim, 92-94
08870 Sitges (Barcelona)
[email protected]
Located at…
22 Km from the airport of Barcelona (C-32).
35 Km from the Centre of Barcelona (C-32).
The conference will start at 12.00 Thursday 27th October and end at 12.30 on Saturday 29th October.
Timetables and programmes are available. Each evening there will be optional dinner and entertainment for all participants and accommodation packages are also available. Information on other accommodation and Sitges and the surroundings will also be available.
Bringing hard science and coaching into the language learning process.
Come and join us – it will be an amazing opportunity to share together.