Ежемесячная статистика: Патенты, товарные знаки и промышленные образцы: октябрь 2021 г.
Эта статистика включает ежемесячные данные по образцам, патентам, товарным знакам.
Статистические данные в этом выпуске предоставляют фактическую информацию, касающуюся ежемесячных заявок и регистраций зарегистрированных прав интеллектуальной собственности (патенты, торговые марки и образцы).
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2021 г.
Hello, WikiVisa.Ru
I hope you are enjoying your March edition of StudyTravel Magazine.
The March edition is our annual ‘Summer Programmes’ edition so take a look and find some new Summer courses for your students! Jane Vernon Smith discovers that trends for Summer courses include an increase in demand for more academic preparation content and leadership programmes, plus a greater interest in family programmes. Check out the feature online. If you’d like more information from the Summer schools who are promoting in this edition, just reply to this email with ‘Summer’ in the subject line and we’ll ask them to forward their information on.
You can get in touch with any of our advertisers in this edition by clicking this link: http://studytravel.network/magazine/advertisers/march2017 and filling in your details. Just tick the schools that are of interest to you.
Happy reading! Voting is still open for the 2017 ST Star Awards so remember to get online and vote for your partners!
Jenny Rankin
International Sales Executive
+44 (0) 20 7440 4029
StudyTravel Magazine
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