Visas for Ireland
VFS Global, Russian Federation accept visa applications from Russian Federation citizens and visa required nationals who are resident in the Russian Federation on behalf of the Visa Office, Embassy of Ireland. There will be no alternative service. VFS are located at:
Business Centre “Sirius Park”,
Kashirskoe Shosse,
Bld. 3, Korp. 2, Str.4,
Moscow 115230
All other contact details remain the same.
Please note that all applicants can avail free shuttle bus service from Nagatinskaya metro station to Business Centre “Sirius Park”.
Important Notice – Russian Federation citizens and visa required nationals resident in the Russian Federation. Passports will be returned to VFS when processing is complete. No passports can be collected at the Embassy.
No postal applications will be accepted from Russian Federation citizens and visa required nationals who are resident in the Russian Federation, at the Embassy of Ireland Moscow.
No postal applications will be accepted from Russian Federation citizens and visa required nationals who are resident in the Russian Federation at the Visa Application Centers (VAC).
Visa applicants after completing the online application process should submit all documentation to VFS Global at one of the following Visa Application centers:
Location |
Address |
Moscow |
Business Centre “Sirius Park”, Kashirskoe Shosse, Bld. 3, Korp. 2, Str.4, Moscow 115230. |
St. Petersburg |
197110, Bolshaya Raznochinnaya 16A, (Entrance from Chkalovsky Prospect 7), 2nd Floor, St. Petersburg |
Nizhny Novgorod |
Shcherbakova street, 15, Nizhny Novgorod |
Novosibirsk |
Chelyuskintsev Street 15, 630132, Novosibirsk |
Omsk |
Frunze street, building 1/4, office № 713, 644043, Omsk |
Rostov on Don |
Trolleybusnaya street, 24/2B, Rostov-on-Don |
Samara |
443110 Mychuryna street, 78 , Samara |
Yekaterinburg |
620026, Panorama Business Hotel, Kuibysheva St. 44, 2nd floor (access from Belinskogo St.), Yekaterinburg |
Opening Times: 09.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs – Monday to Friday
VFS Helpline: +7 (499) 350-41-08
+7 (499) 705-01-22
VFS Email Helpline: [email protected]
VFS Global will then forward the documentation and visa fee lodged by the visa applicants at the Visa Application Centre, to the Embassy of Ireland, Moscow, on behalf of the visa applicant.
VFS Global will also facilitate the collection of passport/documentation from the Embassy of Ireland, Moscow.
Important Notice – NEW SERVICE FOR Citizens of and visa required Nationals resident in Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
From August 1st 2019, VFS Global, are appointed to accept visa applications from visa required nationals and citizens of Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan on behalf of the Visa Office,
Embassy of Ireland. There will be no alternative service.
Important Notice –Citizens and visa required nationals of Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Passports will be returned to VFS when processing is complete. No passports can be collected at the Embassy.
No postal applications will be accepted from visa required nationals and citizens of Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan on behalf of the Visa Office, Embassy of Ireland, at the Embassy of Ireland Moscow.
No postal applications will be accepted from visa required nationals and citizens of Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan on behalf of the Visa Office, Embassy of Ireland. at the Visa Application Centers (VAC).
Visa applicants after completing the online application process should submit all documentation to VFS Global at one of the following Visa Application centers:
From 1st August: Bobruiskaya 6, Galileo Shopping mall, 5th
floor, Minsk, Belarus, 220050
From 6th August: Bobruiskaya 6, Galileo Shopping mall, 6th floor,
Minsk, Belarus, 220050
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone number: + 375 17 388 27 26
Mirabad District, Nukus Street, bld. 29, off 104, Tashkent,
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone number: +353768887219
Kazakhstan: Almaty
Timiryazeva Markova, Grand Alatau 28v, 1st floor, office 104,
050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone number: +77172696925
Kazakhstan: Nur-Sultan From 20th August
Kabanbay Batyr ave. 6/1, 11th floor, office 111 010000,
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone number: +77172696925
VFS Global will then forward the documentation and visa fee lodged by the visa applicants at the Visa Application Centre, to the Embassy of Ireland, Moscow, on behalf of the visa applicant.
VFS Global will also facilitate the collection of passport/documentation from the Embassy of Ireland, Moscow.
Important Notice – Citizens of and visa required Nationals resident in Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.
You need to:
- Complete the online application form
- Gather your supporting documentation, passport photograph and fee
- You must post or Courier your application, supporting documents and fee to:
Visa Office,
Embassy of Ireland to the Russian Federation,
Grokholski Pereulok, 5
Moscow 129090
Important Notice – Citizens of and visa required Nationals resident in Ukraine.
You need to:
1. Complete the online application
2. Gather your supporting documentation, passport photograph and
3. You must deliver, post or courier your application, supporting
documents and fee to:
Honorary Consul of Ireland
32B, Khreshchatyk Street
Kyiv, 01034.
Visas for Ireland
If you wish to enter Ireland, you may need a visa. We will guide you through the application process.
In Ireland, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS), an agency within the Department of Justice and Equality, is primarily responsible for dealing with immigration and visa matters.
If you’re a citizen of a non-EU country, whether you need a visa or not, you will be subject to immigration control when you enter Ireland.
The visa office telephone help line +7 (495) 9375 900 operates from 14.30 hrs to 17.00 hrs, Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excluding designated public holidays).
Queries can also be sent electronically or faxed to +7 (495) 7373 637. Please include your visa application number on any correspondence.
If you’re a citizen of a non-EU country, whether you need a visa or not, you will be subject to immigration control when you enter Ireland.
Правила получения паспорта указаны в договоре в соответствующем пункте, заключенном во время подачи заявления на визу.
Отслеживание Вашего заявления онлайн
Если Вы уже подали заявление на визу в Визовом центре, Вы можете проверить статус Вашего заявления на нашем сайте в соответствующем разделе.
Правила получения готовых документов:
Личное получение:
*Иностранные граждане, не имеющие внутреннего паспорта, представляют копию первой страницы заграничного паспорта
Получение за близких родственников:
Получение по НОТАРИАЛЬНОЙ доверенности:
+7 (499) 350-41-08
+7 (499) 705-01-22
[email protected]