Авиарейсы из России в Англию летают, из Минска не прекращались рейсы в Лондон, т.ч. продлить британскую визу можно родителям ребенка в школе, рабочие и студенческие визы и иные категории виз для долгосрочного проживания в UK, ну конечно продлить можно визу жены.
Мы столкнулись с проблемой записаться в визовые центры на продление визы на территории Великобритании, т.к. все загружены заявлениями и документами на новые визы, которые были поданы еще в марте.
Поэтому на сайте gov.uk можно заполнить анкету-заявление для продления визы, оплатить сбор за продление визы, но выбрать дату и время для сдачи биометрии нельзя.
Откроют запись чтобы продлить визу в Англии только в сентябре. Даже если виза просрочена в этом году это не будет являться нарушением, главное заполнить анкету на визу и оплатить консульский сбор для продления визы в Великобритании.
Ждем когда откроются центры на прием биометрии и продления британских виз в сентябре.
Рассылают всем вот такие письма
Fwd: Immigration Application Update UAN Reference 1212-0001
Dear Customer,
Please see the attached update regarding your application.
Kind regards
J Farr
Administration Officer
Work Non Sponsored Team
Visas & Citizenship Operations – Work & Study
UK Visas and Immigration
Level 1, Vulcan House Iron, PO BOX 3468,
Sheffield S3 8WA
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your application for permission to stay in the
We apologise for the inconvenience, however, due to the worldwide response to COVID-19, UKVI services are currently limited and we are not able to meet our usual service standards.
Although we would normally decide your application within eight weeks from the date it was submitted, unfortunately this is may not be po
ssible in your case.
As global travel and public health restrictions begin to lift
following coronavirus, Visa Application Centres (VACs) and UK Visa
and Citizenship Application Centres (UKVCAS) are resuming services
where local restrictions allow, it is safe, and both customers and
staff are protected.
In order to provide services for our most vulnerable customers,
Support Service Centres (SSCs) reopened a limited service from 20
April and UKVCAS commenced a wider phased resumption of services
from 1 June 2020. However, given the impact across our whole
network, this process will take time and not all UKVI services are
going to be available immediately, or at full capacity.
Whilst UKVI has started to reopen some of its locations and
services, this is not a full resumption of services. We will
continue to take a steady and phased approach to ensure services
can be delivered safely and effectively. Our priority is the
safety of our customers and staff, to ensure we can deliver an
effective service that meets public health guidelines.
[Include for applications made in time] As your application was submitted prior to your current grant of leave expiring, your current status within the United Kingdom has been extended by section 3C of the Immigration Act 1971. You do not need to do anything else at this stage and do not need to be concerned about your immigration status.
If you have applied to switch your status in respect of your employment or studies then please refer to the guidance on Gov.UK https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-uk-visa-applicants-and-temporary-uk-residents as you should be permitted to commence work / study prior to your application being decided, should you meet the conditions set out in the guidance.
We apologise for the delay in dealing with your application and for the inconvenience this is causing. Please be assured we will do all we can to make a decision on your case as quickly as possible.
We appreciate your patience at this time.
Как можно продлить визу на территории
Великобритании? Как записаться в визовый центр?
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