Посольство Ирландии и визовый центра закрыты из-за коронавируса
Вот такие письма получаем из посольства, документы на
ирландскую визу были поданы 17 марта, с 18 марта визовый центр
и посольство закрылись.
Как получить паспорт, хотя-бы без визы?
Будем узнавать и следить за визовой ситуацией на фоне
Irish Visa Application - 777888999
Dear Sir/Madam
As part of the combined efforts to tackle the Corona Virus to ensure customer safety, it has been decided to request that those that have submitted a visa application to travel to Ireland to withdraw their application. Failure to withdraw the application may result in the refusal of the visa application.
Only emergency visa applications (e.g. medical personnel) and applications of the immediate family members of Irish citizens, Diplomats, and persons legally resident in the State can apply for visas during this period.
Please be assured that the Irish Embassy is in ongoing contact with VFS and the Irish and Russian authorities throughout this time, and we intend to fully resume our visa operation as soon as safety concerns for members of the public have been abated.
Please be aware that the Immigration Service Delivery is not in a position to consider the refund of visas fees submitted as per our website http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/fees where it clearly states “This fee cannot be refunded if your application is refused or withdrawn”.
Уважаемый заявитель,
В рамках всеобщих усилий по борьбе с коронавирусом с целью обеспечения безопасности заявителей было принято решение о необходимости попросить тех, кто подал заявление на визу для поездки в Ирландию, отозвать заявление. Если заявитель не хочет отзывать заявление, в визе может быть отказано.
На данный момент могут быть приняты только следующие категории заявлений: заявления по чрезвычайным ситуациям (например, медицинский персонал), заявления ближайших родственников граждан Ирландии (супруги, дети), заявления дипломатических сотрудников и лиц, являющихся законными резидентами.
Заверяем Вас, что Посольство Ирландии находится в постоянном контакте с Визовыми Центрами VFS и российскими правительственными структурами в данный период, и мы намерены полностью возобновить работу с визовыми заявлениями, как только снизится уровень риска для безопасности общества.
Сообщаем, что Служба Иммиграции не имеет полномочий рассмотреть возрат визовых сборов согласно официальной информации на сайте http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/fees, где утверждается: «Данный сбор не может быть возращен, если ваше заявление было отозвано или принято решение об отказе».
Kind Regards,
Visa Office
Embassy of Ireland
*You are receiving this because you requested updates from the Home Office about the EU Settlement Scheme*
EU Settlement Scheme Applications: Important Message About COVID-19
The EU Settlement Scheme continues to perform well and more than 3 million have already been granted status with more than a year left to go until the deadline for applications.
While applications continue to be processed, during this challenging time they will take longer than usual. In addition, in line with the latest Public Health England advice some of our support services and application routes have temporarily changed. Please find an outline of these changes below. This situation is being kept under constant review and we will continue to keep you updated.
Settlement Resolution Centre (SRC)
The SRC will no longer be answering telephone calls. It will, however, continue to respond to email enquiries and provide a call back function when required. Emails from support organisations will be prioritised where possible.
ID document scanner locations
The ID document scanner locations are following all the latest Public Health England advice to protect staff and the decision has been made, to suspend them at this time.
Postal route for submitting Identity evidence
The postal route for submitting identity evidence is currently suspended. We are unable to accept any documents by post at this time, but all documents already sent to us will be returned as quickly as possible. Applications can still be made online using the “EU Exit ID Document check app”.
57 grant funded voluntary and community sector organisations
Some services have been suspended but organisations are seeking to provide support in other ways, in line with social distancing guidance, for example via telephone and online. Please check with the individual organisations for further details.
Further information
There are still 15 months before the deadline of 30 June 2021 for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme, and there is plenty of support available online to support those looking to apply.
Additional support is available to those EU citizens in the UK who do not have the appropriate access, skills or confidence to apply online through Assisted Digital, which can offer assistance over the phone.
We have also translated communications materials into 26 languages and alternative formats can also be requested.
The support services outlined above will be kept under regular review. We, the Home Office, and all our delivery partners involved in supporting applicants will endeavour to reinstate these support services to their original status when it is safe to do so.
Thank you again for your continued interest in the EU Settlement Scheme programme, for the latest information on the scheme please visit GOV.UK.
Kind regards,
Home Office Communications