Образец свидетельства о регистрации гражданина ЕС в UK Residence Documentation.
Рекомендуем получить!!! Для граждан Европейского Союза EU,
которые постоянно находятся в UK (работают, учатся или проживают в
Соединенном Королевстве). Скоро BREXIT мало-ли что будет с теми, у
кого нет такой важной и нужной «ксивы». Ну а тем, кто приехал к
родственникам «европейцам» в Великобританию для совместного
проживания, напомните о получении в Великобритании документа
резидента UK для граждан Евросоюза. Подробная информация и ответы
на вопросы для получения разрешения фэмили пермит EEA family
permit, и иные нюансы воссоединения семьи в Великобритании читайте
и задавайте визовые вопросы на сайте WikiVisa / ВикиВиза -
Сообщество визовых специалистов и экспертов по Великобритании
Dear friends, partners and colleagues,
I am writing to update you with news of the impact of the current coronavirus situation on LLE and the work that we have been doing behind the scenes.
You will all be aware that the virus is transcending international boundaries and that our language travel industry is particularly vulnerable at this time.
A good number of our students are still travelling however, and we have teachers currently available who are happy to accept students from category 2 areas.
CANCELLATION POLICY - short-term amendment to our terms and conditions
- We are offering all students the option of postponing their courses for 12 months from the original start date of the course if they are unable to travel due to travel restrictions sanctioned by the UK or their country of origin.
- We are offering all students the option of switching their course online. We have an excellent online tuition platform for 1:1 lessons.
- If neither of the two options above are possible, then we will fully refund fees for any student unable to travel due to travel restrictions sanctioned by the UK or their country of origin.
- If there are no travel restrictions in place then our normal terms and conditions apply.
As an organisation, Living Learning English is in a strong position. We have been fortunate to have been able to build very strong partnerships over the past 25 years with key agencies who are passionate about home tuition and loyal to LLE. We also have a great team of teachers who love working with us.
Our course managers are fully available to answer any queries that you may have and to take future bookings.
In the meantime, please be assured that LLE is undertaking all due diligence in terms of risk assessments, action planning, screening students and teachers and following official government guidance regarding COVID-19.
Thank you for your understanding and support. We also extend our thoughts and best wishes to all of you.
Kate and the LLE team.
Living Learning English
27 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8SA