В последнее время, участились случаи получения писем от посольства Великобритании с просьбой покинуть страну.
Текст "письма счастья" смотрите ниже и во вложении.
Данная информация касается только тех людей которые находятся в Великобритании, бросили учебу/работу и иные действия нарушающие иммиграционные законы Соединенного Королевства и те которые нелегально находятся на территории Великобритании по "действующей" визе, но данная виза уже аннулирована и поставлен отказ на въезд на территорию Соединенного Королевства.
Отказ в визе в Великобританию на 10 лет - вот такой может быть итог, если своевременно не исправить свою визовую историю.

Задавайте свои вопросы!

Dear Mr Osbourne Cox
HO Reference Number: XXXXXXX66666
Please find attached a notice regarding your immigration status in the UK. As this relates to your immigration status you must read the notice as a matter of urgency. This is a genuine message from the Home Office. Should you have any concerns about the authenticity of this message you can call 0300 1232 241.
If, after reading this notice, you require general information regarding the Immigration Rules, you may contact the immigration enquiry bureau.
Information on the immigration enquiry bureau, including details on the service it provides and how to contact the bureau can be found on the Home Office website using the following link: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/aboutus/contact/contactspage/?item=201111
If you require advice on your specific case you will need to seek legal advice as appropriate. Information on how to find a suitably qualified immigration adviser can be found on the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) website (http://oisc.homeoffice.gov.uk).
Yours sincerely
Х ywz
Manchester Team 1111111111
On behalf of the Secretary of State
НА практике 90% отказы в британской визе - это фальсификация документов!!!
Сейчас жесткие проверки по документам и визовые офицеры посольства Великобритании ставят обоснованные отказы, а также много ставят БАНов, т.е. запрет на въезд в Англию на срок 10 лет.
Refusal of a Visit Visa или Refusal Letter получают сразу с паспортом в Британском Визовом Центре, в письме отказе как правило указаны статьи и параграфы отказа в английской визе, и причины отказа в визе в Великобританию.
Что делать если Вы получили отказ в визе в UK - ответы и вопросы здесь http://wikivisa.ru/forum/forum/forum6/
Стандартное письмо предупреждение от иммиграционной службы Соединенного Королевства.
Message from the Home Office
Date: 25th September 2015
Dear Sarah Connor, Case ID 666666666,
The overwhelming majority of people who visit the United Kingdom do so in accordance with our immigration laws.
We are contacting you because the Home Office has told us that you may no longer have the right to remain in the United Kingdom.
If you do have the right to remain in the UK, or have submitted a new application, please contact our team today at [email protected] or on 0844 375 4636 to confirm this.
If you do not have leave to remain in the UK, you must make immediate arrangements to leave the United Kingdom and provide proof that you have done so.
Please email [email protected] attaching a copy of your travel ticket by the 13th October 2015. Please ensure that the following details are also provided:
1. Name
2. Current address
3. Telephone / Mobile number
4. Current place of employment and address (if applicable)
5. Current place of study and address (if applicable)
If you intend to depart the UK but would like to discuss assistance, please email [email protected] with your telephone and address contact details and we will be in touch to advise what assistance may be available. Alternatively, please contact us on 0844 375 4636.
If your passport is held by the Home Office, this will be sent to your port of departure when you leave. When making your arrangements to leave the UK you must allow 10 working days for your passport to be sent to your point of departure after you have notified us of your travel plans.
If you do not intend to depart the UK, we must make you aware that our records indicate that you are unlikely to have any further rights of appeal. We would recommend that you visit the following website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-border-agency or consult your immigration lawyer to fully understand your position. You must formally take action to regularise your stay with the Home Office immediately. If you do not raise your case with the Home Office you will be liable to be removed from the United Kingdom via Enforcement Action.
We recognise that occasionally there will be a personal issue that prevents you from leaving the United Kingdom immediately, or there may be another reason for your continued residence. In such circumstances we want to do our best to help you. Therefore it is vital that you contact our team today on 0844 375 4636. While you remain in the UK without leave you are liable to be removed from the United Kingdom and this may affect your right to return in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Capita Business Services
On behalf of the Home Office