Новый пакт будет означать более быстрое выселение в Сербию и поможет защитить границы и общины Великобритании.
Историческое соглашение о возвращении сербских граждан, не имеющих права находиться в Великобритании, в том числе иностранных преступников, было подписано сегодня министром внутренних дел Прити Патель.
Новый пакт будет означать более быстрое и быстрое переселение в Сербию и поможет защитить границы и общины Великобритании в соответствии с Новым планом правительства по иммиграции.
Министр внутренних дел Прити Патель сказала:
Приоритетом этого правительства является обеспечение безопасности людей в этой стране, и мы не остановимся ни перед чем, чтобы удалить тех, кто не имеет законного права находиться в Великобритании, включая иностранных преступников.
Подписание этого соглашения укрепит наши договоренности с Сербией о возвращении и расправится с теми, кто пытается злоупотребить нашим гостеприимством.
Эта знаменательная сделка соответствует нашему Новому плану иммиграции и нашему обязательству оптимизировать апелляции и судебный процесс, которые могут быть использованы для предотвращения высылки.
Соглашение о возвращении было подписано министром внутренних дел и министром внутренних дел Сербии Александром Вулиным в рамках его сегодняшнего визита в Лондон (среда, 26 января).
Это укрепляет способность Великобритании высылать граждан Сербии, которые не имеют права находиться в Великобритании. Сюда входят лица, получившие отказ в предоставлении убежища, правонарушители из числа иностранных граждан и лица, просрочившие свои визы.
Это последнее соглашение последовало за успешным соглашением о возвращении с Албанией, подписанным министром внутренних дел в июле прошлого года. А в мае 2021 года правительство Великобритании подписало знаменательное миграционное соглашение с Индией, чтобы поддержать людей, прибывающих в Великобританию легальными путями, и усилить высылку тех, кто не имеет права находиться в Великобритании.
С 2019 года Великобритания успешно вернула 9 286
иностранных правонарушителей из тюрем, иммиграционных центров и
общин, выполнив обещание правительства бороться с нелегальной
иммиграцией и причиняемым ею вредом.
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1. What is changing?
UK Visas and Immigration is improving how applicants pay the health surcharge.
Our new integrated surcharge payment process uses information from the immigration application or Premium Service Centre (PSC) appointment to decide whether a customer needs to pay the surcharge and how much they must pay.
When completing their immigration application or booking a PSC appointment, if a health surcharge reference is needed, applicants will now be automatically directed to a new surcharge payment web site. Also, applicants will now only need to input personal details once, making the overall process quicker, easier and with fewer errors.
Postal applications made from within the UK are unchanged and these customers will continue to use the existing web site to pay the health surcharge.
2. When is this happening?
On 5 July for online UK applications, for Premium Service Centre appointments booked from within the UK and for overseas applications.
Customers applying from within the UK will have to start a new online application if they have not paid the surcharge and submitted their application by 06:59 (BST) on 4 July. Overseas customers will have to start a new online application if they have not paid the surcharge and submitted their application by 17:59 (BST) on 4 July.
3. Why is the change needed?
The new integrated system means applications are quicker and errors less likely.
4. Are applicants overseas affected by the changes?
Yes. All overseas applicants will pay the health surcharge as part of their online visa application without the need to access a separate web site. Applicants who are exempt from paying the surcharge but still require a reference number will also use the new integrated system.
5. Are applicants within the UK affected by the changes?
Yes, some will be. UK applicants who apply online will pay the health surcharge as part of their visa application without the need to access a separate web site. Premium Service Centre applicants will also pay as part of their appointment booking. There are no changes for applicants using postal applications, who will continue to use the existing web site to pay the health surcharge.
6. Are there particular immigration categories affected by the changes?
The vast majority of application routes are affected. The only routes not affected are those made by postal application from within the UK. For example, family routes.
7. I am applying from overseas. I paid the surcharge but did not complete my immigration application by 17:59 on 4 July.
Your immigration application will not recognise that you have already paid the surcharge and you will be asked to pay it again. To avoid this happening, if you have already paid the surcharge, you must have completed your immigration application no later than 17:59 (BST) on 4 July.
8. I am applying from overseas. I have started my immigration application but did not pay the surcharge by 17:59 on 4 July.
You will need to start a new immigration application. To avoid this happening, if you have already started your application, you must pay the surcharge and have completed your immigration application no later than 17:59 (BST) on 4 July.
9. I am applying online from within the UK. I have paid the surcharge but did not submit my immigration application by 06:59 on 4 July?
Your immigration application will not recognise that you have already paid the surcharge and will ask you to pay it again. To avoid this happening, if you have already paid the surcharge, you must have completed your immigration application no later than 06:59 (BST) on 4 July.
10. I am applying online from within the UK. I have started my immigration application but did not pay the surcharge by 06:59 on 4 July.
You may need to start a new immigration application. To avoid this happening, if you have already started your application, you must pay the surcharge and have completed your immigration application no later than 06:59 (BST) on 4 July.
11. I have paid the surcharge twice. How do I get a refund?
Customers who think they may have paid the surcharge twice should first check to see if they have two separate payment confirmations. For applications made from within the UK customers should log on to the health surcharge payment web site and request a refund.
For applications made overseas please notify the visa application centre when you attend your biometric appointment and they will process your refund.
12. Are there any other changes?
The customer guidance at www.gov.uk/healthcare-immigration-application will be updated to reflect the improved process. There are no other changes to the health surcharge.
13. I am applying from overseas. Will I be able to use the web site that was previously used to pay the surcharge?
No. From 5 July, the surcharge payment will be made as part of the immigration application process.
14. I am applying by post from within the UK. Will I be able to use the web site that was previously used to pay the surcharge?
Yes. There is no change to the process for these applications.
15. I am applying online from within the UK. Will I be able to use the web site that was previously used to pay the surcharge?
No. From 5 July, the surcharge payment will be made as part of the immigration application process.
16. How will I keep track of my client’s surcharge payments?
There should be no need to re-visit or monitor health surcharge payments. Each surcharge reference number is now directly linked to an immigration application. This will make the process more streamlined and efficient for customers and reduce the possibility of making errors which result in delays or refusals.
17. What do the changes mean for sponsors?
The new linked process will make it easier for applicants to pay the correct surcharge first time. This will help reduce the number of immigration applications which are refused on the grounds of failure to pay the surcharge.
18. Where can I get further help and advice?
· Customer guidance is available at www.gov.uk/healthcare-immigration-application
· Contact UKVI from outside the UK www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk
· From UKVI from inside the UK www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi