Dear WikiVisa.Ru A Look Back at 2015 |
Happy New Year WikiVisa.Ru! We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. 2015 was a great year for SMG. We saw tremendous growth in our programs, met many new partners and friends, and made great strides on our road to becoming one of the best exchange organizations in the world. To begin the new year, we are using this newsletter to share major SMG news from 2015, making sure our partners are taking advantage of all of the great developments that have occurred. |
A Look Ahead at 2016 |
In 2016, new SMG programs will be introduced, and many of the existing programs that you are already familiar with will continue to grow. At SMG, we are constantly searching and striving for new ways to strengthen our international partnerships. Our new webinar series will begin on February 3rd, with an in-depth overview of both the DMD and DASH Private High School Programs (Click to register). You can register for any of our webinars through our website using the button below.
Let's have a successful 2016! Best regards, The SMG Team |
Визы в UK на 10 лет! Работаем с британскими визами 15 лет.
Бесплатные консультации
NHS и IHS (Иммиграционный сбор за медицинское обслуживание в Соединенном Королевстве) Immigration Health Surcharge для визы в Великобританию 2016
Кто должен платить сбор и по каким категориям виз? Что такое Иммиграционный сбор за медицинское обслуживание IHS или NHS?